Fusion energy can fully replace fossil fuels at much lower cost to our health, our ecosystem and our pockets – while at the same time providing grounds for more equality and better standard of living for all. LPPFusion is a high tech R&D company developing clean Focus Fusion technology.
LPPFusion’s mission is to provide environmentally safe, clean, cheap and unlimited energy for everyone through the development of Focus Fusion technology, based on the Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) device and hydrogen-boron fuel.
LPPFusion’s nuclear fusion energy R&D project will produce safe and clean energy without any radioactive waste. Our project was initially funded by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It is now backed by over 500 private international investors including the Abell Foundation of Baltimore.
LPPFusion’s patented technology and peer-reviewed science are guiding the design of our fusion energy based visions of future; a future where humans and planet come before profits. Fusion energy generators can produce virtually unlimited source of environmentally clean energy thanks to the energy density of the novel, aneutronic pB11 (boron) fuel.
We are working to demonstrate the scientific feasibility of Focus Fusion experimental generators at our laboratory in Middlesex, NJ.
In this exhibition are movies of actual scenes from the laboratory when construction and firings of the focus fusion device are taking place.
The Astrophysical Connection
The discovery by Hannes Alfvén and his colleague Carl-Gunner Falthammar of the basic role played by filaments of current in the cosmos in the formation of structure, from stars up to galaxies, laid the basis for understanding filamentation in the plasma focus device.
Similarly, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric Lerner’s research in the 1980’s using the formation of a plasmoid in the Dense Plasma Focus, as a model for understanding quasars, led to the formulation of a quantitative theory of the functioning of the DPF. This theory in turn predicted that the plasma focus could be used for pB11 (boron) fusion.