Venue, Times and Dates:
APT Gallery, 6 Creekside, London SE8 4SA(link)
November 23rd to December 3rd 2023. Thursday to Sunday 12 - 6 pm

Note: The Gallery advertises 12-5pm however I am advertising as 12 - 6pm and invigilate the extra hour.

Private View: November 23rd. 6-8 pm.

There will be extended opening hours on Friday 1st Dec 6-8pm to coincide with Cockpit Arts (Creekside) new building opening and the 'Lewisham Creative Enterprise Zone'

A4 Flyer: (pdf)

Gallery Plan (pdf)

Graphics: Please feel free to 'rip' any of the graphics and text from the website.

Logo button (click to expand):

This is 500 x 500 pixels. Here this is reduced in the html to 100 x 100 pixels. I have added a 1 pixel black border.

QR Code for Valency Homepage (click to expand):

The original is 300 x 300 pixels. Here this is reduced in the html to 100 x 100 pixels.

The exhibition text colour in Hex is #00B282

The header font is Century Gothic. The body font is Verdana 16pt, carbon grey #404040

Numbers: It is anticipated that there will be 16 participants

Audio / Visual: An application has been submitted to APT Management for new A/V equipment. However at the moment we have approximately 4 projectors, 2 large TVs, 3 small TVs, 5 working Sumvision media players. I have 1 good projector, 2 LED cheap projectors and 2 media players.

Insurance: Both APT and myself have Public Liability Insurance (PLI) to cover the exhibition liabilities. However you may want to have your own for exhibit PLI. Artist Newsletter provide £10m as part of their membership subscription - Here

If you are using your own equipment you will be responsible for insuring this yourself against theft or damage. Although the show will be invigilated we are not liable for loss.

Attendance: You are welcome to come along to help with the hang and invigilate if you wish - but this is up to you.

Education: As curator I am required to provide an education element to the exhibition (APT is an education charity). This should be covered by the printed information but if anyone would like to do workshops, Talks, seminars, etc. please let me know and we can insert them in the diary

'To whom it may concern' Letter: Some of you are working inside Institutions and may require a TWIMC letter - Here (pdf)

Publicity: Please let your mailing lists and social media know of the exhibition.

Money: There are no fees either way with the exhibition conducted on a 'Pro Bono' basis.

I will be underwriting the exhibition. This will consist of paying for gallery hire, printing, window text and exhibition sundries. I will be fund-raising over the year but cannot at this stage agree to re-imburse items like shipping and material costs.

If anyone has any fund-raising ideas for the exhibition, do let me know. You are welcome to fund-raise for your own exhibit but, again, let me know in case I need to attribute - i.e. include a logo.

Copyright I will need participants to release copyright on supplied images, movies and text for the purposes of publicity and education. This will also apply to the printed catalogue. Let me know when you supply material if there are any 3rd party accreditations. Otherwise copy will be attributed to the participant.

Exhibition Design: The front gallery will be daylight, supplemented by spotlights, and the rear gallery will be blacked out.

The gallery has white walls and a grey floor. The walls are chipboard covered with plasterboard so very easy to screw and nail. The ceiling in the rear gallery is legacy concrete and very hard, however there are many hooks and rings distributed. The front has steel 'I' beams.

It is an old warehouse space and reaches as high as 5 mtrs. It is kind to exhibits that use the height and 'take on' the space. However small scale exhibits that concentrate the gaze can also be successful.

During the exhibition there will be extended printing material (multiple A3) displayed on the 'Link Gallery' wall. This is an opportunity to elaborate a bit more on your thesis. Links will be presented as QR codes. There will be a triple-fold handout for visitors with a map to navigate.

Each participant will be allocated a number and this will be displayed by the exhibit. It will also be noted on the triple fold, the printed A3s, the catalogue and the website.

Catalogue: I will design the catalogue after the exhibition and have it for purchase through the Peecho 'just in time' system. It will have an ISBN number through my Plasmazine publishing site. After the show I will contact everyone and buy a number of these for the participants to buy at wholesale prices + post.

The website will remain on as a legacy.

Content: You are welcome to substitute material 'as we go'. 1 month prior to the show I will start to restrict changes. Once I am producing the catalogue this will be fixed. I will send out the proof to everyone for amendments before publishing.

Website: The website is 'hand coded' using html5 and the coding format of the old Adobe GoLive. I use CoffeeCup HTML editor. The page is split into DIVs which are positioned using lines of code at the Head of the Page. All other aspects of the formatting are through CSS stylesheets.
The pages are laid out in absolute format so are not responsive in the strict sense of the word. However they are pseudo-responsive in that all the DIV containers (except the splash images) are 640px wide so fit onto most mobiles and tablets. The overall wrapper (and thus the potential image width) is 1280 pixels. Image sizes are then controlled in the coding.